Special Attention : Due to the spread of the (COVID-19) disease IDRN included additional items " Mask (Item Code:368),Hand Gloves (Item Code:369), Sanitizer Spray (Item Code:370) , Sprayer (Item Code:371), Health workers (Item Code:372), Driver-LMV (Item Code:373), Driver-HMV (Item Code:374), Labour (Item Code:375), PPE Kit(Item Code:376)
It's requested that all States/Districts update inventories of resource available with various line depart/agencies uploaded in the IDRN portal.To get the support for updating data of your State/District send us an email from your official email ID to admin.idrn@nic.in / +91-8940022606
IDRN is a nation-wide electronic inventory of resources that enlists equipment and human resources, collated from districts, states and national level line departments and agencies. It is a web based platform, for managing the inventory of equipment, skilled human resources and critical supplies for emergency response. Primary focus of IDRN portal is to enable the decision makers to find answers on availability of equipment and human resources required to combat any emergency situation. This database will also enable them to assess the level of preparedness for specific disasters.
What's New Ministry of chemical & Fertilizers-Letter reg availability of Mask, Gloves, and Sanitizers new
You can See the Status of entered/updated data in year As on 30 April,2020  Please click here.. new
To get theUSERNAME and PASSWORD for updating data of your district send us an email from your official email ID to admin.idrn@nic.in Or call on+91-8940022606

You can also download
IDRN COVID-19 Database - State wise report As on 07 May, 2020 new
IDRN COVID-19 Database - District wise report As on 07 May, 2020 new
IDRN User Manual & Data collection formats ?Form1? & ?Form2A, 2B & 2C? new
IDRN Presentation
IDRN Leaflet

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